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Grande Otelo
Grande Otelo

Grande Otelo

October 18, 1915
Ubêrlandia, MInas Gerais, Brazil
November 26, 1993 at 78 years old

S​ebastião Bernardes de Souza Prata was born in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state, but became a famous actor in Rio de Janeiro. At the National Opera, where he studied, got the nickname "The Little Otelo". Then, he decided to be called "Great Otelo" or in Portuguese, "Grande Otelo". He acted in theaters, movies and TV. His first movie was "Noites Cariocas" (1935). But he really became known when he started working besides the great star Oscarito. Otelo was best known by comedy movies, but he could also be a dramatic actor. He died in Paris, France at the age of 78.


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